SEARCH #3: Project Muse STRATEGY: Specific Facet First
SEARCH TERMS: I selected three facets for the search, and tried each in the “Advanced Article Search” on Project Muse.
Librarian resulted in 3178 hits
Instruction resulted in 10, 801 hits
Web 2.0 resulted in 558 hits
None of these returns were useful as they were too broad.
SEARCH: These large returns did not surprise me, and did not help me in my query. I decided to try the search with all three facets librarian AND instruction AND Web 2.0 which resulted in 35 hits that were of marginal relevance one of which is titled Academic Libraries, Facebook and MySpace, and Student Outreach: A Survey of Student Opinion, Ruth Sara Connell portal: Libraries and the Academy, Volume 9, Number 1, January 2009, pp. 25-36 (Article)