Check this out at Librarything!

After setting up an account on, I began to browse "tags" for books related to technology use in the classroom and school media center. The tags "school media center" and "technology" ultimately led me to a fantastic book called Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms by Will Richardson.

The book was published in March 2010 and has been receiving rave reviews by teachers and library media specialists. (Check out all the reviews on!) Some schools are even utilizing the book for staff development. For those of us who are looking for instant ways to integrate technology into the classroom for this tech-savvy generation, this book is an insightful must-read. Even teachers who are not particularly tech savvy have reported how understandable and and user friendly the book is. Students will rejoice over getting to integrate FaceBook and Twitter as well as blogging and RSS feeds into their academic world.

My first-choice for an RSS feed: ALA TechSource

RSS is a format that stands for “Really Simple Syndication” and enables me to subscribe to "feeds" that will let me know when a site I have subscribed to has been updated. Many people like their favorite sites to “feed” into one place instead of having to visit several websites to check for updates.This is a true service in the daily information explosion in which we live.
While I have found that much of the technology information on ALA’s TechSource is over my head, the frequent updates and cutting edge research applications are useful for a regular glance-through each week. TechSource is a publishing arm of the American Library Association and produces Library Technology Reports, Smart Libraries Newsletter and the ALA TechSource Blog.
Check out the RSS feed on the right to see the latest news from TechSource.