SEARCH #4: Academic Search Complete STRATEGY: Successive Fractions
SEARCH TERMS: I decided to stay with the three facets from the last search on this last database. A quick test to find the broadest to narrowest facets resulted in:
Instruction 179, 642 hits
Librarian 45, 711 hits
Web 2.0 2248 hits
SEARCH: Combining the largest facet instruction AND next largest facet librarian results in 2221 hits. Narrowing was needed, so I applied the next facet “Web 2.0” to the above search which resulted in 18 hits one of which is an article titled Web 2.0 Integration in Information Literacy Instruction: An Overview. By: Luo, Lili. Journal of Academic Librarianship, Jan2010, Vol. 36 Issue 1, p32-40, 9p; (AN 48407822)
Conclusion: The success of the query for information seemed to rest primarily on the search terms selected and the type of database utilized for the search. All 4 of these databases were user friendly and had help sections as well. Just to prove to myself that database hits were more relevant, pertinent, and reliable, I plugged these same search terms into a Google search. With over 1,460,000 results, I did a quick scan through the first two pages of hits and found myself having to skip over many unhelpful hits. The databases are certainly the way to find reliable information for study or research questions.