Libraries, Schools and Technology..Oh, my

Computers at the Wilmington College Library
(Image from Flickr photos Computers at the Wilmington College Library, originally uploaded by Andrew|W. )

Technology evolves faster than teen fashion trends. Those of us who attended school before the Networked Era of the 1990s can find the ever-changing wave of technology a bit overwhelming. Give me e-mail, internet, and cell phone, and I feel tech savvy enough. 

However, as educators, we are poised to be disseminators of information in an era where information can be disseminated from many, many sources and devices. We cannot afford to just drift on the wave, sticking our toes in occasionally and hoping we don't get slammed by too much. We need to embrace it, ride it, and teach others how to get up on their boards and ride it, too.

My desire is to embrace the technological wave (the kids have already) and harness its power in the school library setting. This site is for you and for me. Together we will:
  • Explore current trends and mindsets toward technology in the school and library.
  • Examine specific technology and media tools for teacher and student use in content areas.
  • Share practical and immediately usable ideas on how to use technology in the school library and classroom to enhance units of study and attract those educators who are only dipping their toes in the wave.

As part of the Master's in Library Science graduate program, the Information and Retrieval class requires that I create postings on my topic utilizing various media formats that include blog links, podcasts, RSS feeds, tagging, database and internet articles, and other forms of multimedia. My desire to is serve other educators, students, and their families as a school librarian in elementary, middle or high school. My heart is wide-open to all ages. I will share what I learn as we go in hopes that all of us will benefit from the amazing technology at our fingertips.